To Kiss a Werewolf
by Molly Snow
Genre: YA Paranormal Romantic Comedy
Book Description:
As president of Paranormal Addicts Anonymous, Stella’s got no time for popular guys. Especially the surfers who hang at Shoreline’s beach—they think flashing a sand-sprinkled, tanned chest is enough to get any girl. But when surfer-hunk Damien Capernalli crashes Stella’s PAA fieldtrip to a haunted bed and breakfast, it may be time to rethink her priorities.
...And what’s with that wolfish gleam in Damien's eye?

If you could have any superpower what would you choose?
I thought I would choose flying because it’s always the quickest thing that comes to mind, BUT I would love some sort of power to enhance my mind (nothing psychedelic, lol).
Tell us your most rewarding experience since being published.
Any time I get a positive review, it makes me feel euphoric. Other than that, it’s fun knowing people are reading your work, whether they end up liking it or not.
Please tell us in one sentence only, why we should read your book.
Because I cut loose and wrote about some crazy-fun stuff, like a surfing werewolf ;P
Favorite food?
What book are reading now?
Bitten by RL Stine.
What’s your favorite season/weather?
That’s an easy question. Summer :) Sunshiny days at a perfect 72 degrees are the best.
What was your favorite children's book?
A Pocket for Corduroy
Beach or Pool?
Definitely the pool. I used to live close to the beach, but was too afraid to swim in the ocean. Plus it was always super freaking cold.
What is one book everyone should read?
Pick a holy text, any holy text, and read it all the way through, for if nothing more than the experience.
Any other books in the works?
Always ;) Right now I’m working on a spin-off of To Kiss a Werewolf, called Fat, Fabulous and Fanged.
Goals for future projects?
My goals are daily: to write 6 out of 7 days a week, at least 1,500 words. Then when the book is finished, release it, advertise it, and repeat the process.
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