What would you do? What rules would you break to be with your soul mate? This morning Hadley Christensen and Dominic Morris woke up living their dream lives. They are engaged and each has promising careers in the medical field. They are happier and more fulfilled than they have ever been, and they are ready to begin their happily ever after.
Sadly, on her way to work, Hadley is in an accident. Before taking her last breath, she realizes she is already dead - and everyone on Earth is too. Now Hadley and Dominic must each find a way to live without one another. How do they continue when they are two parts of one flame?
Hadley is given permission by the Masters to contact Dominic in the hopes he will also realize he is already dead. If Dominic can open his mind to hear Hadley they can be together forever. Is Dominic ready to give up life the way he knows it?
Five facts about This Morning I Woke Up Dead that may surprise you
1-Although the title my sound a bit suspicious, it’s not a book about zombie’s or even a horror story. What would you say if I told you it was a beautiful love story? A story about true love, soul mates, and defying all the odds to be together even a lack of beating hearts. Sound surprising? If you want to know more, keep on reading!
2- The main character, Hadley Christensen, dies in the first chapter! I know, I know, this may sound like a spoiler, and for most books it certainly is! But This Morning I Woke Up Dead is not like any other book you’ve ever read. Most everyone in our story is no longer ‘alive’.
3-In the eight months it took me to write the book I had no idea how it was going to end. Zero. Zip. Nada. No clue whatsoever! It was tentatively whispered to me as I went long and was carefully revealed to me one word at a time. I was just as surprised as you will be by the ending.
4- Pieces of me are sprinkled throughout each of the four main characters. Some things are a bit more flattering than others, but we can’t all be perfect! And besides, no one could relate to that anyways. Since I’m feeling brave today, I’ll admit to a few. I’ll begin with Hadley’s stubbornness, that’s totally me. Once we decide we want something we don’t stop until it’s ours! And I also share her love of clothes. Who doesn’t getting new things? If only we could just think about what it is we want and it would appear on us, as Hadley can, we’d be set! Next is Dominic, we both share a love of running. There is no better release and escape. We also both have a cat and enjoy keeping our space neat and tidy. Logan and I are the least alike, but we do share a rebellious streak! Now that I am a mom, I try to keep it under wraps! And lastly, and the one most like myself, is Emerson. We both love to bake. We love our kids immensely, only Em has one child and I am blessed with four. We both have close friendships with a brother, and lastly, we’re both a little awkward from time to time.
5-Ok, here’s one more fun fact for you. This Morning I Woke Up Dead is based on a true story. Yep. That’s right. It’s your story. Will you believe?
Thanks so much for having me! Best of luck to you on your own journey!

When not writing, Mindy enjoys spending time with the love of her life and four children while playing disc golf, cooking, baking, traveling and exploring.
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