The Heart-Shaped Emblor
by Alaina Ewing
Young Adult Paranormal Romance/ Sci-Fi
Date Published: 10/11/2013
Hidden powers. Otherworldly boyfriends. FORBIDDEN SECRETS.
For Aislinn Moore, attending college at seventeen isn’t a big deal. Not when compared to the difficulties associated with seeing ethereal beings and having prophetic dreams.
As Aislinn learns to surmount the obstacles of her talents, she awakens something inside herself—an ancient memory, long forgotten. She senses there are reasons for her gifts, but remains unable to understand them.
When Alexander Welch enters her life, she learns of the Ewlishash—the hope bringers—and thinks she may have found her answer. Alexander is sexy, sweet, and his talents are like something straight out of a Sci-Fi flick. Aislinn wonders if she may be like him, but the more she tries to fit his mold, the more her instincts scream that her destiny holds something even greater.
The dream of Alexander had me rattled, and now that I had a chance to
introduce myself, my apprehension seemed to be getting the better of me.
The idea of him standing over me, watching me sleep as I dreamed of him,
made me tremble.
I wanted to believe that seeing him in my room was still part of the
dream, but the truth was, I didn’t know. That was why I needed Hope, why I
couldn’t talk to him just yet. I needed to know if my dream had anything to
do with what I’d asked my spirit guide.
After another ten minutes of waiting, Hope still hadn’t arrived, and Alexander
began to clean up his mess. My heart thudded. I feared this might
be the last time I would see him, and that fear urged me forward. I played
with my hair as I approached him, feeling so nervous that I watched my feet
so I wouldn’t trip over myself. When I reached Alexander, my eyes slowly
ran up his back, noticing every curve and ripple.
I cleared my throat, trying to get his attention. Alexander turned, startled,
and saw me only a few feet away. He beamed, and began to close the
gap between us. I shivered involuntarily. The air had a strange feeling, rattling
and vibrating me as if I stood underneath a helicopter.
Alexander stopped his approach when the thudding and rattling
seemed to get worse. The feeling was odd, but also familiar, comfortable.
I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came forth but a sigh. Alexander
was just about to say something when his workers walked in behind
One of the larger men bumped Alexander’s back in a playful manner,
and knocked him forward. Ever so slightly, Alexander brushed my arm.
The sensation was akin to my skin being sliced open by electrified razors. I
withdrew, my squinting eyes revealing my terror.
“I’m sorry! Are you okay?” Alexander looked upset and reached for my
arm, but I pulled away.
“Not sure,” I mumbled as I backed up. “Are you?”
“Yes, of course, but…” Alexander shook his head. “I didn’t mean to. I
was trying not to touch you.”
“Why?” I asked without thinking. The men behind Alexander seemed
just as confused by his behavior as I was.
“Sorry, but I have to go.” Alexander took one of the men’s arms, dragging
him along. The man laughed, but struggled to keep up.
“Wait! What do you mean you were trying not to touch me?” I shouted
anxiously as he strode away, but Alexander never turned around.

Alaina Ewing lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and two boys. She holds a degree in Multimedia Production and is the Assistant Chair for Cascade Writers, a nonprofit Milford-style workshop. She also makes jewelry, dream catchers, and enjoys working with herbs and essential oils.
Her first novel, The Heart-Shaped Emblor, releases October 11, 2013 with Evil Girlfriend Media. The novel is the first in the Ewlishash Series. Read more about Alaina at
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