Kaylen Amdir has been living in the dark for fourteen years – in every sense. His people are hunted on the surface world, so they must struggle to survive within underground caves. His community hates his family but no one will say why. Unlike most teens, his parents keep him housebound, and forbid him from wielding weapons or learning magic. But when his parents finally change their mind and send him to school, Kaylen is suddenly exposed to the harsh truth. He has much to learn and understand all at once – including a mysterious magical ability.
With the threat of war with the surface-dwellers ever present, Kaylen will need to make new friends, and to stay true to himself if he is to survive what is to come…while something frightening stirs inside him.
Yves Robichaud is originally from the small Acadian community of Grand-Barachois, New Brunswick, Canada. He has studied Business Administration and Information Technology, currently works for the federal government, and is the proud father of one son: Jeremy. Inspired by a love of fantastical, magical tales, Kaylen’s Rising is Yves’ first attempt to share this literary passion with his son and the rest of the world.
You can view his website at http://www.yvesrobichaud.com.
His latest book is the Middle Grade Fantasy, Tomes of Taria: Kaylen’s Rising.
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Print or Ebook?
I still prefer print, but for reasons such as cost effectiveness and ease of use, ebook is gaining!
Beach or Pool?
Private pool is better. Too many overweight men wearing speedos at the beach lol.
Pizza or Pasta?
Pizza! There is no such thing as bad pizza. Just saying...
Horror or Romance?
Romance. What can I say, I'm a sucker!!
Coke or Pepsi?
Pepsi, though I like both way too much.
Harry Potter or Twilight?
Harry Potter hands down.
Gum or Breath Mints?
I love gum! Cinnamon is the best.
Summer or Winter?
Summer is by far my favorite season. Bring on the heat, the outdoor sports and of course the bikinis! :)
Facebook or Twitter?
Facebook. Hard to keep up on Twitter.
Chocolate or Vanilla?
Spontaneity or Planning Ahead?
Depends. I'm a very spontaneous person, so I would go with that, but some things need planning.
Black or White?
I kind of like gray.
Hot or Cold?
Hot weather and cold drinks :)
Night owl or early bird?
Both actually. Sleeping is overrated lol.
TV or Movies?
Movies. I don't have time to watch TV on a regular basis.
Truth or Dare?
Dare. I can't lie so the truth always gets me in trouble :)
Text or Talk?
Diet or Regular?
Christmas or Thanksgiving?
Christmas. Thanksgiving just isn't as big here in Canada.
Mountains or Ocean?
Ocean. I live right by the water so I'm kind of biased.
Spotlight or Shadows?
Depends on the day, but mostly spotlight.
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