Folami and Abeni Morris are a sister-sister writing team. Together they wrote (and rewrote) The Exemeus series, somehow managing to accomplish it without murdering one another. Despite their facial similarities, tendency to finish each other’s thoughts and stick up for each other constantly, no, they’re not twins and thus deserve their own individual bio.
Folami Morris
Folami grew up in the tiny city of San Mateo Ca, where nothing ever happens and no one ever leaves. She went to Xavier University for undergraduate, getting her B.A in physics and her B.S in Biology. After graduation she returned to California, to live in an even smaller city, where even less happens, Antioch Ca. During this time she escaped the monotony by hanging out with her imaginary friends Hyalee and Dephon, and by writing the Exemeus.
She finally escaped to Queens NY and now realizes that quiet and tiny aren’t so bad.
Abeni Morris
As luck (and logic) would have it, Abeni grew up in the same tiny little town as her sister, then she too escaped to the tinier town of Antioch. She has yet to leave. She received her bachelor’s degree in early childhood development from Cal State East Bay. She is the mom of two amazing kids, who swear that they deserve a percentage of the book proceeds and a ton of the credit. At least she raised dreamers.
If you could have any superpower what would you choose?
Folami: I would want will power, maybe I could finally give up caffeine.
Abeni: I would like the power to heal someone.
Tell us your most rewarding experience since being published.
Abeni: Reading the reviews and participating in interviews. I like knowing that we’re reaching people.
Folami: I love getting to hold a copy of the book. It’s great to finally touch something that I’ve thought about for so long.
Please tell us in one sentence only, why we should read your book.
Folami: I feel like the love is really different, and people who love to watch relationships develop would love the love between Hyalee and Singeton.
Abeni: I feel like our book is new and original; it’s never been done before.
Favorite food?
Folami: I think the answer is the same for both of us: Seafood. Seafood of any kind we just love.
What books are you reading now?
Abeni: My life is too busy for reading. My boys keep me running around all day, so it’s been a while since I’ve got to just sit and read.
Folami: It’s been a month since I’ve read. I have been promoting the book and trying to finish my last paper for graduate school. But when it’s over I’ll probably read Prodigy and E. Van Lowe’s fallen angel series.
What’s your favorite season/weather?
Abeni: We both love the Summer. We hate the cold.
What was your favorite children's book?
Folami: Spot and Tippy, hands down.
Abeni: You took mine. I’m going to have to go with Nancy Drew.
Beach or Pool?
Abeni: Beach, I love the sand in my toes.
Folami: I love the pool. The temperature is warm, no messy cleanup of sand from your hair and you can swim year round if it’s an indoor pool.
What is one book everyone should read?
Abeni: I would say Great Expectations
Folami: I would say Demons at Deadnight. It’s One of the best YA books ever written.
Any other books in the works? Goals for future projects?
Abeni: We are working on the next book in the series. Our goal is for our book to reach a lot of people and to make sure that each book is better than the last.

The Exemeus
Book One
Folami and Abeni Morris
Genre: young adult fantasy
Publisher: Royal Colours Ink
ISBN: 9780988688605
Number of pages: 504
Word Count: 101,595
Cover Artist: Amalia Chitulesca
Book Description:
Haylee Smith is dead, she just doesn’t know it yet.
Her short life was devoted to love and to hate. Love of the man who stole her heart, hate for the man who stole the world. Murdered by the government she swore to destroy, fate has given her another chance to make it right. But to save the planet, she needs the help of the most powerful mystic the world has ever seen—unfortunately he hasn’t been born yet.
In a world where fear is the only currency, Dephon has committed the ultimate crime: inspiring hope.
His only goal is to make it safely through ninth grade, but on a post-apocalyptic Earth run by the Treptonian government, it isn’t that simple. Heir to a legendary power, Dephon Johnson is the only threat to the government’s rule. And on Trepton, all threats must be eliminated. When hundreds of assassins are dispatched to neutralize him, Dephon is forced to fight back. His only chance of survival is to enlist the aid of the greatest warrior the world has ever known. The only problem is, she's been dead for 13 years.

“Hyles, leave.”
“No,” I said firmly.
“I'm losing too much blood as it is. I’ll never make it back and who'll avenge my mother? Get out of here. I will not watch you die too! Do it now, Hyles!”
“Would you leave me?” I challenged him, racking my mind for a course of attack.
I gripped my sword awkwardly in my hand as I tried to keep Singleton afloat with the other one. “Hyles, just go or we’ll both die.” The creatures were close enough for us to see their rattling teeth. The combined effect of their screams was enough to shatter our eardrums. “Hyles, go!” he said again. The creatures were no more than eight feet away, and it was clear that neither of us was getting out of here alive.
So what do you think? It look awesome to me!!
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Oh, I wanna read this one so bad!
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