WELCOME Author Annabell Cadiz
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Michelle: What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Annabell Cadiz: I’m old school. I LOVE vanilla ice cream, particularly fond of Haggan Daz vanilla ice cream *yum* OR the Vanilla Bean flavor. SOOOO GOOOD!
Michelle: What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?
Annabell Cadiz: I love to eat scrambled eggs, cinnamon toaster sticks (made by Eggo brand), and vegetarian sausage *Mm-mm, good*
Michelle: Night owl, or early bird?
Annabell Cadiz: I can be both. Depends on why I’m choosing to either wake up early or stay up late. I have a big family so sometimes I don’t have a choice as to when I will either wake up or go to sleep =P I do prefer writing at night. It’s the time I get to unwind where I’m not running around all over the place.
Michelle: One food you would never eat?
Annabell Cadiz: Frog legs is the first thing that came to mind (although, I’m sure there is a lot I’m not willing to eat i.e. road kill *shivers*). I don’t understand why anyone would find frogs something delicious to consume. They’re slimy, smelly, and full of flies. Ew, no thank you!
Michelle: Skittles or M&Ms?
Annabell Cadiz: Awe man, that’s a toughie! I LOVE both. I mean one is sugar and the other chocolate. How can one choose between such yummy snacks? *hehe* BUT I can eat Skittles like nonstop. I especially love the green and yellow ones!
Michelle: When you were little, what did you want to be when you "grew up"?
Annabell Cadiz: I was asked this question before so I’ll give you an answer to one of the other careers I aspired to be when I was a kid: spy. I so badly wanted to be in the C.I.A. Or create my own crew of spies. We’d probably be the nerdiest spies around. Dressed in neon nerd glasses, high-tops, and pocket protectors. We’d solve crimes like “The Missing Star Wars Action Figures” *wink*
Michelle: You have won one million dollars what is the first thing that you would buy?
Annabell Cadiz: A mansion for my parents. They deserve to be treated like the king and queen they are.
Michelle: Print or Ebook?
Annabell Cadiz: Print, hands down. I have a Tablet and I have both the Kindle and Nook app on my computer. As a reviewer, I am more than happy to read ebooks since I love working with Indie and Self-Published authors, but I have ALWAYS preferred print books. There’s just something magical about the smell of printed paper and the feel of holding a book in your hands. I am the nerd who hugs her books when she finishes them *teehee*
Michelle: What movie are you looking forward to this year?
Annabell Cadiz: Oh man, there are a lot of good movies coming out this year. Or well, potentially good movies. DEFINITE MUST to see this year, IRON MAN 3!! I flippin love Robet Downy Jr. as an actor and those movies are ridiculously awesome. I’d also probably say it’s a tossup between Beautiful Creatures (coming out FEB 14), Sea of Monsters (the second book in the Percy Jackson Series, coming August 16), and City of Bones (August 23). Those are all books I really loved and enjoyed, so I’m hoping the movies come out just as good.
Michelle: Finish the sentence- one book I wish I had written is....
Annabell Cadiz: Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. That book is written BEAUTIFULLY. It’s a story that will stay with you. It’s raw, dark, and real. It’s too bad Oscar Wilde was never able to write any more books, just the one. I’m sure he would have written even more powerful books.
Michelle: What is next on your to read list?
Annabell Cadiz: Um, if you could see my TBR list, you wouldn’t ask that question LOL Next few books will be: The Puppet Spell by Emma L. Adams, Timekeeper by Alexandra Monir, The Dead and Buried by Kim Harrington.
Michelle: Any other books in the works?
Annabell Cadiz: Well, I’m working on MICHAEL, the second book in the SONS OF OLD TRILOGY, which I’m aiming to publish Summer 2013, and am aiming to have NEPHILIM, the third book in the trilogy to come out later this year. There is the four book FALLEN ANGELS SERIES that comes after the SONS OF OLD TRILOGY. I also have plans to write a book featuring sirens and mermaids and possibly a book in the Christian genre. Not sure yet. Right now, just focusing on SONS OF OLD TRILOGY.

by Annabell Cadiz
Synopsis: Have you ever wondered what could be hiding in the shadows?
Well, for eighteen-year-old Zahara Faraday, she doesn’t have to wonder. You see she comes from a lineage of Light Witches, those who have chosen to help protect and serve between the supernatural world and the human world. The only problem is Zahara, like her father Solomon, is as human as a human being can be whereas her mother, Mia, and her Aunt Catalina, were born as Light Witches. As a family they hunt down rogue supernaturals—creatures who harm humans or who have committed an act against their kingdom.
Zahara’s hunting skills are usually kept dormant since her parents would prefer she live life as a normal human girl without knowledge of the supernatural world. She plans on doing just that—except when she finds a couple being attacked by fairies, she has no choice but to step in. Before she can return to pretending to be blissfully ignorant, Zahara encounters a problem she isn’t the least equip to handle: Bryan Hamilton, the good looking new co-worker she has to help train. In a heartbeat, her best friend, Becca King, has set her up on a double date with herself and her new crush, Rekesh Saint-Louis, who happens to be the most powerful leader of the biggest Imago Coven in South Florida –supernatural creatures with the ability to control water . . . and suck out human souls.
Zahara has no time to focus on how she’s going to explain her double date with her best friend and the enemy they have a tentative truce with to her parents because soon one of the members of Mia and Catalina’s coven is found murdered with a strange tattoo of a snake with wings carved into his arm.
Zahara is then thrown into a whirlwind battle with an angel determined to have revenge against God, an Imago coven she doesn’t think they should trust, and slew of dream-eating fairies and powerful Nephilims, hybrid children of angels and humans, more than happy to rip her to shreds.
Normal just got a deadlier definition.
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