by Kelley York
When eighteen-year-old Hunter Jackson and his half sister, Ashlin, return to their dad’s for the first winter in years, they expect everything to be just like the warmer months they’d spent there as kids. And it is—at first. But Chance, the charismatic and adventurous boy who made their summers epic, is harboring deep secrets. Secrets that are quickly spiraling into something else entirely.
The reason they've never met Chance’s parents or seen his home is becoming clearer. And what the siblings used to think of as Chance's quirks—the outrageous stories, his clinginess, his dangerous impulsiveness—are now warning signs that something is seriously off.
Then Chance's mom turns up with a bullet to the head, and all eyes shift to Chance and his dad. Hunter and Ashlin know Chance is innocent...they just have to prove it. But how can they protect the boy they both love when they can’t trust a word Chance says?
What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
In general, probably rocky road. I like anything with little bits of marshmallow or fudge or brownie in it.
What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?
Eggs, toast, and bacon are a common breakfast meal for me, but I'm a sucker for stuffed French toast, which is basically French toast slices filled with a cream cheese mix and jam. Mmm.
Night owl or early bird?
Early bird, but not by choice. If I had an option, I'd stay up late and sleep in, but my day job doesn't allow it.
One food you would never eat?
This is going to be gross. I watched Andrew Zimmern on Bizarre Foods eating Balut... I don't even want to explain what it is. Just...no.
Skittles or M&Ms?
You put them in a bowl and mix them up! HOW CAN I CHOOSE??
When you were little, what did you want to be when you "grew up"?
Ha! I went through phases. I wanted to be a vet, or a marine biologist, then I wanted to be an animal trainer or a video game character designer.
You have won one million dollars what is the first thing that you would buy?
A new car and a house. Yesss.
Print or Ebook?
I love print books, don't get me wrong; nothing beats the feel of having a book in your hands. But this day and age, when I'm trying desperately to cut down on the amount of "stuff" I have, being able to keep all my books on one neat little e-reader makes my life a lot easier.
What movie are you looking forward to this year?
Ooh, the second part of The Hobbit comes out soon! I'm also eagerly awaiting Captain America 2 and Thor 2.
Finish the sentence- one book I wish I had written is....
Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. It's such a fun, clever book, and it's so different from the norm.
What is next on your to read list?
I've been so busy lately that reading has, sadly, been a low priority of mine. I'm still working through Ask the Passengers, and after that I'll probably dive into The Maze Runner by James Dashner.
Any other books in the works?
Always. I have another LGBT story I've been stuck on for awhile that is so close to completion. I have two other ideas that are sketched out in synopsis form, and another one I'm actively working on. It isn't an LGBT story (GASP, I know, right?) and it's more romance than mystery, and isn't as dark as some of my other stuff. I'm hoping it goes somewhere, because I'm totally in love with my characters.
Thanks! You’re awesome! :D

Kelley is a sucker for dark fiction. She loves writing twisted characters, tragic happenings, and bittersweet endings that leave you wondering and crying. Character development takes center stage in her books because the bounds of a person's character and the workings of their mind are limitless.
Her first book, HUSHED, was released by Entangled Publishing in December 2011. Her second and third books, HOLLOWED and SUICIDE WATCH, were released in 2012, and her next Entangled book, MADE OF STARS, is slated for October 1st, 2013. She is currently seeking representation.
1 signed copy of Made of Stars and some bookmarks US Only
1 eBook Package of Hushed, Suicide Watch, and Hollowed International
another great one!
thansk for the giveaway
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