Welcome Author Theresa McClinton
A long time enthusiast of things that go bump in the night, Theresa started her writing career as a journalism intern—possibly the least creative writing field out there. After her first semester at a local newspaper, she washed her hands of press releases and features articles to delve into the whimsical world of young adult paranormal romance.
Since then, Theresa has gotten married, had three terrific kids, moved to central Ohio, and was repeatedly guilt tripped into adopting a menagerie of animals that are now members of the family. But don’t be fooled by her domesticated appearance. Her greatest love is travel. Having stepped foot on the soil of over a dozen countries, traveled to sixteen U.S. states—including an extended seven-year stay in Kodiak, Alaska—she is anything but settled down. But wherever life brings her, she will continue to weave tales of adventure and love with the hope her stories will bring joy and inspiration to her readers.
Since then, Theresa has gotten married, had three terrific kids, moved to central Ohio, and was repeatedly guilt tripped into adopting a menagerie of animals that are now members of the family. But don’t be fooled by her domesticated appearance. Her greatest love is travel. Having stepped foot on the soil of over a dozen countries, traveled to sixteen U.S. states—including an extended seven-year stay in Kodiak, Alaska—she is anything but settled down. But wherever life brings her, she will continue to weave tales of adventure and love with the hope her stories will bring joy and inspiration to her readers.
If you could have any superpower what would you choose?
I’d want to heel sickness (I shall change "heel to heal". LOL! Inside joke... read comments!). My step dad is currently battling cancer. If I could take that struggle off his shoulders, it would bring me more joy than I could even express. There are so many wonderful people out there suffering from illnesses, and to keep a family together or improve the life of a stranger would be the best superpower in the world.
Tell us your most rewarding experience since being published.
I was recently asked this question and had a hard time answering it with one definitive moment. The thrill of a full request from my editor after participating in her pitch contest was amazing, and her e-mail with the news that she was forty percent through my book and loved the story nearly made me fall off my chair. Then signing my first contract of course, and getting my cover art was another high moment. But I think the one thing I’ll never, ever get sick of is hearing from my readers. They’re so amazing, and I couldn’t be more thrilled when I get an e-mail about how much they enjoyed The Stone Guardian.
Please tell us in one sentence only, why we should read your book.
If you love to read the thrill of new love, the struggle to survive, the discovery of one’s true potential, and the bonds of friendship all strung together with myth and ledged of the Maya, then you should read The Stone Guardian.
Favorite food?
Coffee. I know it’s not a food, but I strongly believe it should be on the food pyramid right under grains.
What book are reading now?
I have Blood She Read by Sara Hubbard downloaded on my Nook.
What’s your favorite season/weather?
I love spring and fall. The “in between “ seasons are my favorite because it’s always colorful, the temperature is mild (depending on where you live), and it’s a great time to play outside. Summer nights are also really awesome. I lived in Alaska for seven years, so I’m pretty much over winter.
What was your favorite children's book?
Absolutely anything written by Dr. Seuss. He was a literary genius.
Beach or Pool?
Depends. I like the beach for scenery, but for swimming, I choose the pool as I refuse to swim in water where there are creatures larger than me searching for dinner.
What is one book everyone should read?
I really can’t answer this. Honestly. There are so many books out there and I’ve barely scratched the surface myself. But if anyone has a suggestion, I’d love to hear it!
Yeah, there are actually quite a few books in the works. As you know, The Stone Guardian is book one of a series. I have something special in for review as we speak, and I’m working on the second full-length novel to the series. Keep an eye out for more Stone Legacy books because they’re coming!
The Stone Guardian
by Theresa McClinton
Tagline: When myth becomes reality, reality becomes a nightmare.
Like any other teenager in America, Ashley just wants a normal life. But growing up in an orphanage for the insane is anything but normal. After endless therapy and increasing medication, her nightmares have only gotten worse.
Probably because they’re not nightmares.
When Ashley’s mysteriously abducted, she finds a reality even less normal than the orphanage. And she discovers something else—she’s no ordinary orphan. Faced with enemies thought to only exist in fairy tales, Ashley discovers she possesses a powerful Maya bloodline. She’s the daughter of an ancient Maya Guardian, whose duty is to protect the Stone of Muuk’ich, an enchanted relic blessed by the gods. But first she must get it back from Sarian, a power-hungry demigod who slaughtered the last guardian—Ashley’s mother. Without the stone, all will be lost.
When she meets Arwan, a hot Belizean time bender, his delicious olive skin and dark eyes make her feel a little less alone. But his gentle whispers and reassuring touch might not be all they seem. How can she balance love and duty when it’s up to her to prevent the rising of the underworld? Especially when the guy she loves might be its crown prince…
I'm just loving how the first sentence of my interview says the word, 'heel' instead of 'heal.' LOL! Oh boy. Can you say, "more coffee?"
On that joyful note, good morning everyone! I'm really excited to be here! Thanks so much for having me on Mom With A Kindle! I'll be hanging out all day, chatting it up with readers and answering any questions.
I've been working on book 3 to The Stone Legacy Series, and that has gotten me even more stoked about book one's release! Very, very exciting stuff!
Ok... that's funny because I didn't even recognize that when I posted it. Maybe it's because we all stayed up so late for New Years. Yeah..that sounds like an awesome reason. :) Thanks for being here today!!!
Yeah, that's TOTALLY the reason! I'm right there with you! LOL
I hope you enjoyed reading the blurb and excerpt of The Stone Guardian. What did you do for New Years? Anything exciting? I'm boring. I sat at home and watched the ball drop with a cup of hot tea. It's my yearly routine. I hate being out with hoards of pushy, inebriated people. lol! Much rather be home in my pajamas. ;)
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