Welcome Author Armand Inezian
Armand Inezian resides in Boston with his wife, two children, and three cats. In addition to writing, he also works two day jobs, one in grants administration and the other in teaching English, and he is grateful for both. He graduated from Emerson College with an MFA in Creative Writing. His short stories have appeared in various literary journals including The Missouri Review and Glimmer Train. In 2003, his short story, Baer, was nominated for the Pushcart Prize. Another of his shorts, See Me, won the Glimmer Train Story Open in 2008. VampCon is his first completed novel.
If you could live in any book “world” which book would it be?
I think I would like to live in the world of Charles Dicken's “A Christmas Carol” because the ghosts are there to (ultimately) bring a sense of compassion and mercy to the world. Wouldn't it be wonderful if our world were populated by hidden ghosts determined to make people better?
What did you want to be when you grew up?
As a child, I wanted to get into film production (particularly the business end of things). I even have my bachelors degree in film production, but it never worked out. I didn't decide to get into writing until I was in my mid-twenties.
What was your favorite book as a child/teen?
Tough question! As a kid I really loved “Treasure Island” by Robert Louis Stevenson, “The Phantom Tollbooth” by Norton Juster, and “The Neverending Story” by Michael Ende . All three books encompass a sense of fantasy and rambling adventure.
By the way, the book of “The Neverending Story” by Michael Ende. is much, much better than the movie.
You are stranded on a deserted island, what 3 things would you want?
You know, now that I have a family that question just sounds so depressing... I would miss my wife and kids terribly... but for argument's sake: a huge bottle of hot sauce, a high quality (preferably German-made) shovel, and one sturdy copy of “Lonesome Dove” by Larry McMurtry.
M&M’s or Skittles?
Dark chocolate peanut M&M's. When I was was writing papers in college, I used to buy bags of peanut M&M's and keep them by my typewriter (and later computer). I would take one M&M for each paragraph I wrote.
Favorite ice cream?
Vanilla but with toppings (heath bar crumbles, hot fudge, cherries, fresh whip cream) . Preferably from JP Licks Ice Cream store. Chase it with a cup of decaf. Chase all that with a cup of ice water.
What’s your favorite season/weather?
Late Fall and early Spring. Probably my favorite type of day is when it's cool, crisp but also sunny. (65 and sunny).
Beach or pool?
If I was with my wife only, I would choose a really hot hot tub! If it were my, my wife and kids, I would go with a nice sunny beach.
If you had a time machine where would you go back in time or ahead? And who would you like to visit?
I would use it to freeze time, so I could get more work done! I work two jobs (three if you include writing fiction) have two children and an old house that needs lots of work. Between these things, I barely have time to think. I would love to have access to extra-dimensional time outs! And naps! Don't forget naps. I would love to freeze time so I can nap!
Any advice for writer’s just starting out?
Writing a novel is like taking an endless, lonesome walk through a vast, empty, and repetitive landscape. You have to take delight in small, everyday achievements, and it helps a lot of you get some kind of satisfaction from editorial nitpicking.
Any pet peeves?
In terms of writing, I would say my biggest pet peeve is simply not knowing about publication. It's awfully nerve-wracking for me to start writing a novel that will take 2-3 years to finish and to have no idea if anyone will want to publish it or read it.
Please tell us in one sentence only, why we should read your book.
Because like the Tin Woodsman, the Scarecrow and the Cowardly Lion, VampCon has brains, heart and courage, and it will keep you awake late into the night.
Tell us your most rewarding experience since being published.
Selling my book in person at Rhode Island Comic Con. Meeting readers in person and hand selling my book was awesome! I actually blogged about it here: http://tinyurl.com/c9bavce
Any other books in the works? Goals for future projects?
I am currently working on a short prequel to VampCon which I hope to convince my publisher to give away for free (in eBook format) and also I am working on a full length sequel, tentatively titled “BurnWave”.
Thanks so much, Michelle, for having me on your blog! I also have a kindle. It's one of my favorite things.
Thank you. It's been a real joy. Your answers were great.

by Armand Inezian
Genre: Fantasy, Fantasy Thriller, or Dark Fantasy Thriller.
Publisher: Greyhart Press, Bromham UK.
ISBN: 978-1478279525
Number of pages: 310
Word Count: approximately 95,000
Cover Artist: Banchick Illustration.
Print editions through Amazon, Amazon UK., ebooks at B&N Nook Reader Kindle. Diesel eBooks (for iPad and Android Tablets)
Smashwords eBooks (for Nook, iPad, and Kobo) and at the Kobo store (for Kobo!)
Book Description:
Jonathan Stoker is a reluctant vampire who wants nothing to do with the dark world that turned him. He isolates himself, sucking nonlethal quantities of blood from helpless drunks and making a marginal living. However after he learns that someone he holds dear has been lured to the VampCon, a cut-throat vampire summit, Jonathan is forced to deal with his kind again.
But Jonathan and company quickly discover that the VampCon is much more than a meeting. It’s a conspiracy that holds the key to both the creation and possible extinction of all vampires.
Now Jonathan has no choice but to come to terms with his own dark side while working with a small band of troublemakers to stop a nightmare from coming true.
Great interview! I love that you'd bring hot sauce to a deserted island. A little hot sauce can make almost anything palatable :)
And a vampire convention... intriguing. I'll have to check this one out.
Thanks again, Michelle, for hosting my interview... and I appreciate your comment, Nickie! ... I'm partial to Franks Hot Sauce and Texas Pete's (but will happily use other brands) myself which I add to anything except dessert. Last Christmas, my wife actually gave me a restaurant box of Texas Pete's Sauce in those little tear-open packets, so I always have a few in my backpack for emergencies.
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