Charmed Vengeance (The Aether Chronicles #2)
by Suzanne Lazear
In the Faerie realm, Noli Braddock's relationship with her best friend V has grown into something more. But V's mother, Faerie Queen Tiana, has ruled that they are forbidden to see each other. Returning to the mortal realm, Noli joins the crew of her brother's air-pirate ship, the Vixen's Revenge. There she discovers that her brother has hired the scallywag Faerie huntsman, Kevighn Silver. While serving as shipmates, Kevighn and Noli learn that the Earth Court King plans to find a forbidden artifact--one that will bring destruction to everyone Noli loves.
Suzanne Lazear
Paris or Venice -- Paris
Deodorant or Perfume – Deodorant
Winter or Summer – Winter (then again, I live in Southern California, my winter is most people’s summer)
Vampire Diaries or Twilight – Vampire Diaries, I read those books the first time them came around!
Angels or Demons – Well, Demons, if they’re Jacqueline Frank’s demons
Fall or Spring -- Spring
Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter – Harry Potter. The first time I read HP I was in college studying in Salzburg. Someone’s mom sent her the first three books. They got passed round the whole group.
Ice Cream or Sorbet – Ice Cream
Coke or Pepsi -- Coke
Cabin in the woods or Condo on the Beach—BEACH! I have a the pink ranger’s surf board (I’m dating myself here)
Kisses or Hugs -- Hugs
Cash or Card -- Card
Print or Ebook – Print. I don’t actually own an e-reader or a tablet.
Voice or Text -- Text
Batman or Superman – X-Men!
Wheat or White -- White
Romance or Passion -- Romance
Night or Day--Day
Suzanne Lazear is the author of the Young Adult Steampunk dark fairytale series THE AETHER CHRONICLES. Book 1, INNOCENT DARKNESS is out now. Book 2, CHARMED VENGEANCE, releases 8-8-13. She always plays with swords, is never described as normal, and has been known to run with bustles. Suzanne lives in Los Angeles with her daughter and the hubby,and a hermit crab. Learn more about THE AETHER CHRONICLES at http://www.aetherchronicles.com and her athttp://www.suzannelazear.com
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