by Jennifer Murgia
Publisher: Spencer Hill Press
Pub. Date: September 9, 2014
Raised by an old fortune-teller within the dark veil of the Bavarian Black Forest, Rune has learned two valuable lessons: only take from the forest that which you can use, and never, never look anyone in the eye in the village. For something terrible happened in the forest long ago... and now, the whispers of a long-dead mother with a vengeful secret have come haunting.
Forced to flee all she has ever known, Rune soon learns of a legacy she is bound to--one that is drenched in fear, witchcraft and murder--a birthright that stretches beyond the grave to the trees where Rune is no longer safe.
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Do you like the spotlight or lurking in the shadows?
~ Oh, definitely a shadow-lurker. I tend to be quiet, reserved . . . a sort of human sponge that soaks everything up.
How many books are in your TRB pile?
~ Trick question, right? Probably 30. I collected a few at BEA, plus have since purchased a few more because I simply MUST own them, even if I cannot read them for a while.
What is next on your to read list?
~ THE VANISHING SEASON (Jody Lynn Anderson)—along with two beta reads!
What one item would you eat for the rest of your life?
~ HUMMUS! I. Am. Addicted.
What is the last thing you bought?
~ Parchment paper and black organza bags to create swag for my release party.
Pet Peeves?
~ Bad drivers. I admit it. When it comes to road rage, I seldom hold back.
Pizza or Pasta?
~ Pizza. Supreme. Onions, peppers, pepperoni, sausage and most definitely mushrooms.
What is something people would be surprised to know about you?
~ Probably that I have naturally curly hair, since I always straighten it. Like, I seriously beat it into submission, but it is super-ringlet-curly. My hair belongs back in the Renaissance.
If you had 24 hours alone how would you spend it?
~ Oh goodness . . . read, write, sleep, repeat. Ice cream would surely find a way in there, too!
If you could meet one person who has died who would you choose?
~ Grace Kelly. She was stunning and iconic.
What do you do in your free time?
~ For as busy as I am, I do make time to keep to myself and share with my husband and two children. There are plenty of nights I simply MUST shut the laptop down and watch a movie.
Can you share a little about the current title you are working on?
~ Sure! It happens to be a Young Adult Horror. Girl + spooky visions+ memories+ insane asylum . . .

Jennifer Murgia writes Young Adult paranormal and contemporary fiction.
Her latest novel, FOREST OF WHISPERS, will release September 9, 2014 from Spencer Hill Press.
She is the author of ANGEL STAR, LEMNISCATE & THE BLISS (Lands Atlantic Publishing)
and BETWEEN THESE LINES (Playlist Fiction).
In 2012, Jennifer Co-Founded YA FEST with fellow YA author/friend, Cyn Balog. She coordinates this unique annual festival, bringing teens and fellow Young Adult authors together at her hometown library in Easton PA.
To contact Jennifer try:
1 $20 Amazon or Barnes & Noble Gift Card and a witchy swag item. US ONLY.
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Thank you for having me on your blog today!
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Sounds pretty intriguing! Thanks for sharing.
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