The Children and the Blood
by Megan Joel Peterson
Series: The Children and the Blood, #1
Publication date: February 28th 2013
Genre: YA Urban Fantasy
A forgotten life.
A secret war.
Eight years ago, an exploding gas main killed Ashley’s family and left her with a childhood she can’t remember. Eight years later, the forgotten past is behind her and life on her isolated farm is all she knows.
Until that past comes looking for her.
Until men with superhuman powers hunt her down in the night, determined to take everything she loves away from her again

Megan Joel Peterson lives somewhere between the cornfields of Illinois and fantasy worlds filled with magic and wizards. She has a degree in English Literature from the University of Illinois, and has worked a little bit of everywhere over the years. Now she spends her days and nights creating new stories, and thinks writing is the best job she ever could have asked for. The Children and The Blood is her first published novel.
Megan Joel Peterson
What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?
Blueberry pancakes.
Night owl, or early bird?
Incorrigible night owl with aspirations of being an early bird.
One food you would never eat?
Fried bugs.
Skittles or M&Ms?
When you were little, what did you want to be when you "grew up"?
I didn’t know what I wanted to be for the longest time. Nothing sounded right. Then I found writing, and that was it.
You have won one million dollars what is the first thing that you would buy?
A house.
Print or Ebook?
I like both.
What movie are you looking forward to this year?
There are so many good movies coming out this year! I’m looking forward to Red 2, and Despicable Me 2. I enjoyed their predecessors, so hopefully the sequels will be fun too.
Finish the sentence- one book I wish I had written is....
Ender’s Game, because I love that book.
What is next on your to read list?
Castle in the Air, by Diana Wynne Jones.
Any other books in the works?
Several, actually. But the details are secret!
Thanks for being here!
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