The Morning Star
by Tania Penn
Published January 10th 2013
by Penn Pal Publishing
Being the daughter of Lucifer keeps seventeen year old Dawn Belial busy. For almost her entire lifetime, she has been trying to think of a way to free her Archangel mother, Michaela, whom her father has held captive for centuries. She's also attending high school - balancing trigonometry, history, and recruiting souls for her father along with her wicked half-sister, Venus.
There has been no time for love until she meets mysterious Gabriel, a British exchange student. As they fall in love against their will, she discovers a startling secret about him, and a shocking connection to her mother that changes everything.
What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Since I was four years old, Baskin Robbins Jamocha Almond Fudge
What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?
I like to drink my breakfast, so I blend up milk, oats, a cup of yogurt and a banana :)
Night owl or early bird?
Both! I never sleep :/ !
One food you would never eat?
Hmm…Tough one, but probably squid. As my bestie Stephanie says, "If it ain't pretty, it ain't going in my mouth!"
Skittles or M & M's?
M&M's definitely, plain ;)
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
The first female major league baseball player!
You have won a million dollars, what is the first thing you would buy?
I'm really simple and already have everything I want and need, but, I've always dreamed of having a little cottage in Cannon Beach, Oregon. Unfortunately, one million dollars would probably just the down payment on a house there!! So my answer would be, I would set aside money to put into my brother's special needs trust, as well as set up a trust for my son, pay off some bills and save the rest :)
Print or e-book?
I have both, but I do prefer the smell and feel of a tangible, honest to goodness book :)
What movie are you looking forward to seeing this year?
I have to give a shout out and say "Turbo", because my husband works for Dreamworks and worked on that movie. Also, Man of Steel, World War Z and Star Trek, Catching Fire, Thor, Iron Man --this year is chock full of delicious awesomeness at the theaters!
Finish this sentence: One book I wish I had written is…
Oh all the Harry Potter books, definitely. If only my time machine worked properly…..
What is next on your to read list?
I need to give a shout out to my indie chick friends here! -- currently starting "Wreck Me" by J.L. Mac. and "The Dark Gifts - Inheritance", by Willow Cross.
Also whatever James Patterson has just released. I am obsessed with his writing.
Any other books in the works?
Oh lordy, too many! I am currently working on book 2 of The Morning Star series, "Equinox", finishing up my chick-lit rom-com, mildly sleazy "Bridesmaids meets Brokeback Mountain" novel, "Catching Frogs," with a release date for April, a couple of horror ones that I just started and am excited about, as well as a sci-fi aquatic thriller that should be done this summer. Then, there's my political apocalyptic dystopian young adult novel. Don't even get me started on that one!! And this one time, at band camp…

Author of debut young adult novel, The Morning Star. Currently working on the sequel, Equinox, as well as a chick-lit, rom-com, slightly sleazy and funny story with a twist, Catching Frogs. And, because I'm loco in the roco, I've got about 12 more on the back burner. When I'm not writing I can be found kayaking, hiking, ninja-training, traveling, and taking a ferry over to the San Juan Islands to search for the elusive creature known as the "Orca." I also am constantly adding ridiculous wants, needs, must-see's and do's to my ever expanding bucket book.
I covet a delicious malbec with a rare steak and make a killer salsa.
I covet a delicious malbec with a rare steak and make a killer salsa.
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Oh, I need to try that blended up breakfast. I'm a big fan of smoothies so I'm sure I'd like that =)
It's really good, healthy and filling Heather!!
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