At First Touch
by Mattie Dunman
Release date: May 28, 2012
Age Group: Young Adult
Genre: Paranormal/Suspense
Tour organized by: AToMR Tours
Book Description:
Liz Hannigan has been on the run since she was twelve years old.
Her mother is dead. Her father has lost his job. And thanks to an experimental procedure, Liz is now able to ‘download’ the contents of every brain around her with a simple touch. Forced to hide from both the federal government and a darkling group of morally deficient scientists known as the Coalition determined to exploit her abilities, she moves with her father to the bucolic coal town of Pound, West Virginia.
But the hunt for Liz and her abilities hasn’t ended, and her hopes for peace are shattered when she inadvertently downloads the enigmatic Carey Drake, whose unusual good looks and charm conceal a secret as shocking as her own. Stunned by the knowledge that she has found someone else who has extraordinary abilities, Liz finds herself drawn to Carey, discovering a deep attraction, and dares to hope for the first time she might find love.
But when an agent of the Coalition begins stalking her, Liz must find a way to work with the government agency she most mistrusts as she strives to build a longed-for normal life and take down the agent who has tracked her down. Caught up in a struggle to save herself and those she loves, the girl who sees all is blind to true danger until it is too late.

Mattie Dunman is a lifelong resident of "Wild & Wonderful" West Virginia, and has dreamed of
being a writer since she first held a pen in hand.
Mattie has pursued several useless degrees to support this dream, and presently enjoys teaching (or tormenting, as the case may be) college students the dying art of public speaking. She spends most of her free time writing, but also indulges in reading and traveling.
She is the proud owner of an adorably insane American Eskimo named Finn, and a tyrant cat named Bella, who take up more of her attention than they probably should.
Mattie is currently working on the second book in the First Touch series, and is ecstatic about her new release, At First Touch.
Mattie Dunman is thrilled to announce her YA/Paranormal INSTINCT is a quarter-finalist in Amazon's Breakthrough Novel Awards! Please check out the excerpt online HERE and share your thoughts!
What books have most influenced your life?
I have always been a voracious reader, so it’s hard to pin down just a few influences. But the books that have made the strongest impression on me would include The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand, Lady Oracle by Margaret Atwood, and Crocodile on the Sandbank by Elizabeth Peters. Like I said, I’ve got eclectic tastes.
What is the first book you remember reading by yourself?
Gina Farina and the Prince of Mintz by Nancy Patz. I must have made my mom read that book to me every night for years before I tackled it on my own, but I will never forget that overwhelming sense of satisfaction I felt when I read the words on the last page all by myself. A whole new world opened up for me that day.
What are you reading right now?
I have just discovered Linnea Sinclair and the Space Opera genre. I’ve barely come up for air!
What do you like to do when you are not writing?
I read constantly. My kindle is never out of reach and anytime I’m not working or talking to someone, I tend to be attached to it. Apart from that, I teach Public Speaking and travel at every opportunity. I’ve recently decided I want to be a librarian.
What do you think makes a good story?
I believe that good characters come first. I think you can have an intriguing plot and a nifty setting, but none of that means anything without compelling characters to experience them. Being able to relate to the characters, feeling what they feel, understanding their motivations, drives me both as a writer and a reader.
Who would you consider your favorite author and why?
Again, I read all of the time so I frequently go through phases of whose writing I enjoy the most. But I always come back to Elizabeth Peters, and I can never read about Amelia Peabody too many times. I just love the way Peters writes her characters, women who defy the conventions of their time, who demand intelligence and humor from their heroes, and who never wait on rescue. It doesn’t matter how many times I pick up her books, I laugh out loud each time, and I always end up feeling more cheerful than when I started.
What book, if any, do you read over and over again?
Crocodile on the Sandbank by Elizabeth Peters. I’ve literally gone through 2 paperback copies. This story never gets old for me.
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