by Marilyn Almodóvar
(Chronicles of the Interred #2)
Publication date: May 20th 2014
Genres: Paranormal, Time-Travel, Young Adult
Baxter Jacobs just survived the worst Sweet Sixteen in history: buried in a coffin, hunted down by assassins, and losing almost everything that mattered to her. She’s ready for some normalcy, but “normal” won’t play any part of this Time Bender’s future.
Now that the immediate threat is over, Baxter learns just how much the English Council expects of the newest Interred. The pressure has her seriously considering her uncle’s offer to take her to New York, especially since she thinks it will keep her Healer, Jack, from overusing his abilities. Knowing the New York Council’s ranks are filled with beings using dark powers, however, makes her hesitate.
Before she can choose, the decision is wrenched from her. Fissures in Time result in a new battle with an old enemy. Someone she thought she’d lost reenters her life, and she’ll discover a web of lies woven into the fabric of Time…lies only she can unravel. Baxter will have to use her growing abilities to try and reveal the truth, even if it forever changes the reality she knows.
There are lies in the fabric of Time only she can unravel.
What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Currently I’m on a pumpkin binge, so I’ll say pumpkin spice.
What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?
Cup of coffee or sometimes croissants or pain au chocolat and a coffee.
Night owl, or early bird?
Night owl. I’m really not a morning person.
One food you would never eat?
I’m pretty good when it comes to trying new things, so I’ll just say dog, cat, horse.
Skittles or M&Ms?
Neither. I’m a Sweet Tarts kind of gal.
When you were little, what did you want to be when you "grew up"?
It varied greatly. I wanted to be a teacher, an astronaut, an astrophysicist, a journalist, and then I settled for being an actor. So I studied Theater.
You have won one million dollars what is the first thing that you would buy?
Five one-way tickets back to England.
Print or Ebook?
I’m a firm believer that both are equally important.
What movie are you looking forward to this year?
Mockingjay part one.
Finish the sentence- one book I wish I had written is....
The Harry Potter series. It’s just perfect.
What is next on your to read list?
I’m eagerly awaiting Raine Thomas’ Rise of the Faire-Amanti, but until then, Prince Lestat by Anne Rice is the next on the list.
Any other books in the works?
I’m currently editing Alternate, the third book in the series, and working on a New Adult romance story.
Thanks! You’re awesome! :D
Thank you for the interview, Michelle!

Marilyn Almodóvar is the author of a series of YA paranormal novels. Born in Ft. Huachuca, Arizona, Lyn is a lover of words whose reading tastes range from Victorian novels to the books of Stephen King. Her favorite past-times have always been reading and writing, two activities that let her escape to other worlds.
It was this love that propelled her to choose Theater and French as majors in University, with a minor in English Victorian Literature. Lyn lived for almost a decade in England followed by three years in France before returning home to the States. A self-confessed citizen of the world, she is fluent in English, French and Spanish, with basic knowledge of the Italian language.
Lyn could happily exist breathing the clean air of Narnia, trapped in a cupboard under the stairs with Harry, fighting alongside Captain Jack Sparrow, doing an internship in Torchwood, or traveling around time and space with the Doctor…as long as she can have Mr. Spock, Captain Kirk and Captain Mal as companions.
Lyn currently lives in Central Florida with her French husband, English-born eldest son, and French-born youngest son. Her debut YA Novel, Interred, was be published by Iambe books on 01/22/2013.
Author links:
Thanks for being on the tour, Mihcelle!
Thank you for the interview, Michelle!
Love learning new things about my author friends! Great interview. :)
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