Never Let You Fall
by Michele G. Miller
Orphaned at 7, with no memory of her past or the family she lost, 17 year old Skye Martin is tired of being alone and afraid. After a hard night of partying, Skye wakes up alone in an unfamiliar hotel. All she can remember is the deep voice of her rescuer and his promise: “I am safe.”
Xander has been tasked with watching Skye from afar for the past two years, in order to keep her safe from the demons that hunt her. An easy job - until a pair of red glowing eyes reveal themselves to Skye, and Xander, in a moment of weakness, is forced to break his cover to protect her.
Never good at trusting people, Skye is inexplicably drawn to Xander and the immediate bond she feels for him. However, Xander is filled with secrets and ties to her past that threaten to thrust Skye into a world she could never imagine existed…
As she begins to unravel the truth about who Xander is and the details surrounding her family, she discovers that she might just be the key to saving everything...
And, most importantly, she finds that there has always been someone by her side who would never let her fall…

She flung her hands up in the air as she answered me. “Yes, I feel something strange! This whole thing is strange!”
Placing my finger on her lips, I shook my head in frustration. “Skye, what do you feel here?” I asked again, pointing to her chest. “How do you feel?”
She stood for a moment with her lips lightly pressed to my finger, slowly closing and reopening her eyes. There was a sheen to them that spoke of unshed tears, and as she raised her hand to pull mine away from her mouth, I saw her fingers tremble when she whispered, “I can’t deal with this, Xander.”
“Yes, Skye - you can and you will,” I warned her. “This is going to happen whether you want it to or not. I told you that I’m safe, and I…”
Skye broke into hysterical laughter at that. “Safe? You’re telling me that a legion of demons is after me and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. How in your book does that equal safe?”
“You don’t know me, Skye, and you don’t know Rioden and… what we can do. I told you that I would protect you, and I will.”
Shaking her head, she took a small step back and admitted, “You’re right about one thing, Xander,” as she wiped a tear from her face. “I don’t know you, so how can I trust you? No matter how you make me feel. Please just leave me alone.” She spun on her heel and sprinted away, leaving me to stare after her.
Top 5 songs on your playlist?
- Anything by Ron Pope
- Diane Young by Vampire Weekend
- Uprising by Muse
- Your Guardian Angel by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus (theme song from NLYF)
- Soldier by Gavin DeGraw (Xander's theme)
How much time do you spend reading each week?
- I usually try to read for two hours each night before bed. I've been on a reading kick and have finished four books in the past week but typically I try to read one to two a week.
What is the last thing you Googled?
- I'm almost scared to check this because the things us writers google can be…um, shall we say interesting ;) Thankfully the last thing I was googling is safe to share. It was "funny quotes about friendship" for a little side project I have going on with Author Sarah Ashley Jones and the fabulous Tess Watson.
Favorite places to travel?
- So I have three kids ages 7-14 so our travelling has pretty much been limited to visits home (Mobile, Alabama) and Orlando, FL. We love taking day trips over to the mountains and hiking as well. Orlando just seems to be the best vacation spot for us annually because of the multitude of things to do when you have smaller kids and a teen.
For trips with hubby I love Charleston, SC. We are heading to Nashville this month and I am stoked!
What is your favorite way to spend a rainy day?
- Snuggled up in my bed with my Kindle reading. I should say writing but honestly rain makes me want to be in my bed.
Favorite TV Shows?
- TV is something that I have found I've all but given up this year. When I do turn on the television, usually late at night with hubby, we watch reruns of Friends and How I Met Your Mother.
I loved watching Revenge, Once Upon A Time and The Following and those are shows I will catch up on with Netflix eventually.
If you had a time machine, where would you go (past or future) and who would you like to visit?
- Wow crazy question! I would definitely go to the past as I have no desire to see what happens next until it actually happens- life moves fast enough as it is.
I love reading regency era books so I think I would love to go back to those days when ladies changed into gorgeous dresses all day long and went for carriage rides through parks to smile at the handsome men. Plus I would love to attend balls and plays every night. Obviously I am saying I would be a rich member of the ton.
What’s next on you TBR Pile?
- It changes depending on my mood but I am trying to knock out some YA PNs before I head to UTopYACon later this month. 'Silent Orchids' by Morgan Wylie and 'The Prophecy' ARC by Desiree DeOrto are two I will read this month. Currently I'm reading Beauty from Pain by Georgia Cates because it was high time I got it!
Where is your favorite spot to read?
- I'm so lazy, I love to read in my bed. It's just so comfy.
If you were on Death Row what would your last meal be?
- The better question would have been 'what did you do?' Goodness, I would totally forgo dinner and just eat tons and tons of sweets. Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, fudge brownie sundae, peanut butter cups, cheesecake, lots of chocolates. *Excuse me while I go grab a dessert!
M&M’s or Skittles?
- I love sweets. M&Ms but dang Skittles are great too!
Can we get a hint on what you are working on? What are your future plans?
- On the front burner I'm working on book 2 in The Prophecy of Tyalbrook series. Back burner project is a romantic comedy that I am dying to get out there. I'm hoping that I can release these back to back August and September of this year.
Far into the future the sky is the limit. I have several idea fleshed out in both the New Adult age range and YA. One that I want to get out there around the first of next year is a YA drama piece that will be more intense and life lesson themed.

Her family, a doting husband and three awesome minions, have planted their roots in the middle of Michele’s two childhood homes in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Never Let You Fall is Michele’s first novel and she is beyond thrilled to have finally followed up on a dream she has held for over 20 years! God willing there will be many many more books to follow.
So excited and couldn't believe the giveaway your offering.. ;) Thanks for taking the time to do it.
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