Thursday, August 16, 2012



I am so excited to have made it to 50 followers. That's like a million to me. :) I want to thank my followers by having a FANTASTIC 50th Follower Giveaway.  It is International. There will be 1(one) winner and if I make it to 100 followers I will pick yet another winner. So 2 people have a chance to win a book from the list. So good luck and have fun!! :) Some books will not have been released at the end of the giveaway so I will do preorders for those. :)

The choices are:

Open Internationally
You have to be older than 13 to enter
You MUST live in a country the Book Depository will ship to. (Find out here)
You need to also be a follower of my blog :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Vivien said...

I don't know!!! But Don't Turn Around looks good. Along with Outpost of course!!!!

Lynn K. said...

Dearly, Beloved or The Lost Girl! :)

Anonymous said...

I'd probably want to win Alice in Zombieland...I SO wanted to get that from the publisher but they denied me so yeah :P

Gabrielly said...

Outpost or The Lost Girl. Thanks for the giveaway!

Galena said...


Anonymous said...

I would love the have my own Copy of Alice in Zombieland. I'm hoping you make it to 100 followers so my chances are slightly higher! :)

Megan said...

I would want to win Outpost! I loved Enclave :)

Aleksandra said...

Congrats on all the followers!

I want to win Don't Turn Around or Alice in Zombieland.

Thanks for the giveaway :)

nrlymrtl said...


cool giveaway.

Veronika said...

I would choose Don't Turn Around!

throuthehaze said...

Alice in Zombieland by Gena Showalter

Reese's Reviews said...

Inbetween by Tara Fuller 8) Awesomsauce giveaway!!!!

roro said...


Vicky @ A Backpack Full of Adventures said...

I'd pick Ten! :) Thanks so much for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

OUTPOST, WOMAN! (Sorry, Mom.)

Desiree said...

Either Ten or Outpost. I would have picked The Lost Girl but I have pre-ordered already! Thanks for the giveaway!!!

Michelle @Mom With A Kindle said...

Sooooo... you finally decided to enter, DAUGHTER, so I have to buy you yet another book!!! LOL!! Good Luck Chicky!

Unknown said...

I would choose either Dearly, Beloved or Origin :)

Ashley G. said...

I would love to win Alice in Zombieland! Thanks for the giveaway!

Whitney M. said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I would love to win The Lost Girl.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I would like to thank you for an apsolutely fantastic book giveaway, and i would love to have the oportunity of reading and reviewing 'Alice in Zombieland by G Showalter'.

Thank you so much and i look forward to following your brilliant book blog with interest x

Email: lfountain1(at)hotmail(dot)co(dot)uk
GFC follower: lfountain1

Anonymous said...

What an amazing givaway! I am instantly intrigued by Alice in Zombieland!
Great blog - new follower
Laura xx

Midnight said...

Hi Michelle!
Thanks for this giveaway and congrats on having reached 50 followers!
Best wishes in having the numbers escalating ^^

I would love to have Alice in Zombieland!

book queen said...

I`d love to win either Origin or Outpost

Rebecca said...

After hearing ENDLESS, AMAZING things, I'm anxious to read The Lost Girl. Congratulations of hitting the 50 follower milestone, here's to many more :D Thanks for the fabulous giveaway, too!

Michelle @Mom With A Kindle said...

Me too! I can't wait to read it. I'm participating in the Blog Tour on Tuesday. Come check out all the cool stuff that day!

Atmika@I Talk Books! said...

Alice in Zombieland or inbetween.

Angie said...

I'd choose Alice in Zombieland!

New follower. ;)

Gabbie said...

I'm bad at choosing. At the moment its a toss up between Inbetween, Origin and Dearly, Beloved.

Gabbie said...

Oh and Congrats on the followers!!!


Spav said...

I would probably choose Origin.

Kulsuma said...

I want to read TEN!

makix3 said...

I would like to win Ten! :]
Thank you for the giveaway!

A.J. said...

Inbetween! It sounds really good.
Thanks! :)

Sarah Elizabeth said...

Hey mom with a kindle! I am a mom with a kindle too! (although my kindle has been a little damaged by an incident involving a ninky-nonk - strange train-litle toy from a uk tv show for kids)
I would love to read Alice in Zombieland as I have been hearing such great things about it!
Thanks for your fab giveaway and congrats on the followers!

Reading Mind / The Loyal Book said...

i would pick alice in zombieland!

lemmy said...

Wow they all look awesome! I'm going to have to check them all out. But I'd probably pick Origin, with Dearly Beloved coming in second. :)

Unknown said...

Great list to choose from! I would pick Outpost or The Lost Girl. Thanks!

Jessabella Reads said...

Awesome list. I would like to win Alice in Zombieland!

Grigorina said...

Really wonderful books. I would like to win Dearly Beloved.

trayche said...

I'd choose The Lost girl :]

irbis96 said...

Alice in Zombieland :D

a reader who reads said...

Would love to win Origin!

Isa said...

I'd love to read Alice in Zombieland. Thanks for the giveaway. :D

Jennifer said...

Really not sure which book i'd choose. I am interested in Origin. And Outpost. and probably a few more :)

_Sandra_ said...

Tough choice.. It's definitely a dead race between Ten and Origin. Thanks for an awesome giveaway! :)

Unknown said...

Awww! This is so sweet of you!
Thanks for the chance to win ^^
Congrats on your 100+ followers!!
I would pick Dearly Departed!
Or maybe Lost Girl!
It's hard to decide!

Unknown said...

*Dearly Beloved* haha

melissa2146 said...

I would love to win any of them. they all look good :)

FireStarBooks said...

Alice in Zombieland :3

mary ann(RunOnce828) said...

Jeez..can I pick all of it? ugh they're all eye-candy. But probably it would be "Alice in Zombieland" or "The Lost Girl"

Maria M said...

Origin :)

LeeLou said...

I would love The Lost Girl (I can't wait to read it!!!) or Origin (which I'm almost equally excited about). Thank you so much for this giveaway!!

Tiffany Holme said...

OMG such wonderful choices how is someone to pick just one?! Um... I think I would end up going with Alice in Zombieland

Unknown said...

leaning towards Origin!