Shadow’s End
Book 3 in the Shadow Dancer Series
Courtney Rene
Genre: YA Paranormal
Publisher: Rogue Phoenix Press
ISBN: 978-1-936403-97-4
Cover Artist: Genene Valleau
Book Description:
The adventure and the struggle continue for Sunny, as the fight for control of Acadia is near. Battle lines have been drawn, not just by King Gideon, but also by the rebels that were once Sunny’s allies.
Due to unexpected trips to the ice realm and the fire realm, new allies are found to help build the Army of the Sun. There are new worlds explored. New friends and new enemies made.
Ready or not, Sunny must prepare for what is coming as well as decide where she belongs within it all. But…what about prom? What about Leif? What about home? How can she, just a seventeen year old girl, rule a whole world? She’s not even sure if she can get through finals.
Book 3 in the Shadow Dancer Series
Courtney Rene
Genre: YA Paranormal
Publisher: Rogue Phoenix Press
ISBN: 978-1-936403-97-4
Cover Artist: Genene Valleau
Book Description:
The adventure and the struggle continue for Sunny, as the fight for control of Acadia is near. Battle lines have been drawn, not just by King Gideon, but also by the rebels that were once Sunny’s allies.
Due to unexpected trips to the ice realm and the fire realm, new allies are found to help build the Army of the Sun. There are new worlds explored. New friends and new enemies made.
Ready or not, Sunny must prepare for what is coming as well as decide where she belongs within it all. But…what about prom? What about Leif? What about home? How can she, just a seventeen year old girl, rule a whole world? She’s not even sure if she can get through finals.
Book Recommendations
By Courtney Rene
I love to read. I don’t mean it’s an enjoyable pastime for me. I mean I LOVE to read. I would spend every waking moment with my nose buried in a book, if it was at all plausible. As for recommendations, my book recommendations change all the time, but for this moment in time, here are a couple that have made my list.
And…I broke them out a little differently. This is not just your everyday ‘top’ list. This is a list by Genre. That way there is something for everyone. I have also provided Amazon links just on the off chance you want to check any of these reads out.
Okay, here we go…
1. Ride the Wind, by St. Clair. I have been recommending this book for several years. I just love this book. It’s historical, it’s thriller, it’s horror, and it’s romance. It’s fiction and yet its non-fiction. In a word, it is fantastic. American Indian heritage at its best and its worst. Love, blood and guts, family dynamics, historical moments of fact, this book has it all.
2. The Harmony Series by Jodi Thomas. These are easy reads. Not all that much in the way of the “S” word, but very entertaining. It is full of people that you can get attached to. From the young all the way to the old and all that’s in between. I do believe there will be another book added to this series but I can’t tell you when. I hope it is soon as I could use a nice read.
As an off-shoot of romance there is a whole other department known as Paranormal Romance. For this section I honestly can’t come up with just one book or even too. So instead I am giving you two authors that I really enjoy.
1. Christine Feehan. She has a vampire series that I really like. It’s a bit on the erotic side, but still a very fun series. She has a few other series books but this is my favorite by far.
2. Katie Macallister: I really like this author. She makes me laugh throughout her books. She has a series on Dragons that is so so much fun and so entertaining. She also does a vampire series which is very good, but the dragon series is the best at least to me.
3. Spinners, by Donna Jo Napol. This is the tale of Rumplestilskin from the point of view of, Rumplestilskin. This is an amazing telling and a take on the story that I never would have thought of. Phenomenal read. If you have not read this, go and do it. Now. Seriously.
Gone, by Michael Grant. This book could also be considered both paranormal and horror. Michael Grant is no shrinking violet when it comes to gore and the scary. It’s an end of the world as we know it book only with children being the only ones left to rule their world. Great, vivid telling of a book.
4. Windmills of the Gods, by Sidney Sheldon. I don’t know what I expected when I picked up this book. It was one that had been recommended to me, and frankly sat on my TBR pile for months before I finally cracked open the binding. It begins with a bang and all the way through it is nail biting action. I should have read this long ago.
5. I had a hard time thinking of a good recommend for Horror. There are so many that have gone the way of just blood and guts, which I like but that is not actually scary for me. I had to go back a ways to come up with good scary reads. So my picks in the horror department are:
Lightening, by Dean Koontz.
The Mist, by Stephen King.
You can’t go wrong with either of these authors. These two books are two of my favorites.
6. Small Pig, by Arnold Lobel. This is a sweet story about an unhappy pig that runs away from home, goes to the big city, and realizes that home is where he belonged all along. I love this book.
Junie B. Jones, Barbara Park. This series is fun to read even as an adult. The zany Junie B. Jones cracks me up with some of her antics. It is also an easy learning to read type of book.
7. Get Out of My Life, but First, Could you Drive Me and Cheryl to the Mall, by Anthony Wolf, PhD. The best parenting book for teens that I have found. Whether you have a boy or a girl, this is a must read. Better if you read it BEFORE they hit the teen years, but just as helpful if you wait until you are struggling with a hormonal nightmare.
That’s all I have for now. However, if anyone is ever in need of a book recommendation, feel free to drop me a line and ask me. I am very opinionated and happy to give my thoughts to any that want them, and sadly to some that don’t.

Courtney Rene lives in Ohio with her husband and two children. She is a graduate and member of the Institute of Children’s Literature. Her writings include magazine articles, short fiction stories, several anthologies, as well as her novels, A Howl in the Night and the Shadow Dancer series, published through Rogue Phoenix Press.
To find out more about Courtney visit her website. Or you can follow her on her blog, Facebook, and Twitter.
What do you think? Let me know.
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Love the recommendations! Thanks. I will have to save this list. Another goodie for the children's section is the Franny K. Stein Mad Scientist series by Jim Benton; lots of drawings scattered throughout which really pull in the younger reader, and funny story lines for kids and parents.
Excited to read Shadow's End! :)
All the Shadows books are good. I enjoyed each one.
I liked your horror recommendations. I love both Stephen King and Dean Koontz. I actually own every Dean Koontz book published (one of them is autographed).
Looking forward to reading Shadow's End!
i want to reas shadows book...
thx u 4 the chance :)
Awesome recommendations! Thank you so much for posting. I'm checking out a few of them right now. :)
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