Thursday, November 29, 2012

[Blog Hop] "Christmas Books" Giveaway Hop

"Christmas Books" Giveaway Hop
December 1st to 7th

Over 100 participating blogs are offering a book related giveaway and we are all linked up together so you can easily hop from one giveaway to another.  The hop runs from
 Dec. 1st ~ 7th. 

I have an AWESOME giveaway for you today. 

My Giveaway...
is your choice of ANY Christmas Book!!

Happy Hopping!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Swordlily said...

One of the sweetest gifts was a cute teddy bear, I was given it when I was little and I still have it :)
Karina V

Anonymous said...

Once I got this big pink Barbie van! I used to sit on it and drag myself around the house!

Christine D.

Anonymous said...

My cat <3

TayteH said...

When I was a little girl, my parents go me this giant pink barbie doll house. I loved it. :D

nurmawati djuhawan said...

books from my friends.....
thx u...

illflyawayoneday said...

a pink bike

Unknown said...

Oh gosh probably the year when my parents were low on money and mom still managed to put a small gift together, even thought it was just a board game and a teddy bear

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to receive a puppy as a Christmas present but I still not have it. I think someday I'll just damn buy one xD

Anonymous said...

I got The little prince pop-book and loved it so much!

Eva @ All Books Considered said...

A bright pink huffy bike! I rode that thing to the ground!

miki said...

a santa plush when i was little ( simply because we were obligated to stay with friend because of the weather and i was desesperate i would miss santa and the dorrbell rang ( when all the aldut were in the salon with me!!!) and on the doorstep was the plush^^ magic

Anonymous said...

A dog when I was little

Janet W. said...

Candy Land from my older sister!

Melinda said...

I loved those "heads" that you could brush, braid, put makeup. I don't even know what you call them now. I have three boys, of course.

Sarah Perry said...

There were three that really stand out to me, one was a watch that was special to me, one was a blanket with goofy and the gang (still have it actually 20 years later lol) and one was one of those 10 in 1 minigame tables, we had a blast playing with that, and it was such a surprise to come downstairs that christmas morning and see it all set up and ready to play :)

Cassandra! :D said...

I always remember getting pajamas when I was younger, and always new movies :)

elin said...

a puppy :D

ChaDanielle said...

My first fone. :DD

Veronika said...

My first bike :)

Dovile said...

My first and only Cindy doll. We couldn't afford to buy expensive toys back then, so me and my sister didn't hope to get them. It was a great surprise.

Anonymous said...

we actually never had enough to money buy presents, but in my mind the best present was that the whole family came togeter.

Unknown said...

Books, it has always been books! ;)

Angie Adair said...

Little red headed twin boy and girl dolls. I loved them!!

books4me said...

A purple corvette push pedal car!!!

Jillyn said...

My Barbie Jeep. I loved that thing so much!

Thanks for the giveaway and Merry Christmas :)

Kristia said...

My kindle 2 years ago! :) Thank you for the giveaway.

Rina said...

One year I got a flute which was pretty amazing. And last year I got a 3000 piece puzzle that took quite a while to build but was lots of fun.

Isa said...

I got a huge art set for Christmas, it was the best gift ever. Thank you. :)

Carol said...

Thanks for the giveaway!!!
Back then, a close friend of my uncle owned a bookstore and he alwayas gifted books in the holidays. I remember not been more than five years old & opened mine & found a huge collection of books that feature a teddy bear learning about the world & nature & absolutely loved!!! Since then I am a devoted bookworm and I'm finishing my biology degree so I'd say that was the best Christmas present ever ^^

pippirose said...

The gift that stands out most, growing up, was getting Anne of Green Gables. It introduced me to the world of reading, the leap from kids books to full-length novels.

Unknown said...

My first digital camera! Thanks!

Emily said...

A Barbie dream house :)
Thanks for the giveaway!

Munnaza said...

I always love when I get books for Christmas. I don't care which genre, as long as the story is enjoyable. My favorite has been anything Harry Potter. :D

Aline Tobing said...

My first watch when I was eleven. My Dad bought it from abroad :))

Unknown said...

Barbie christmas i had when i was 11

Life's Simple Pleasures said...

Growing up would have to be books since they have been my constant companion my whole life

Raffle name: Nikki O

Judy said...

It was after I was grown up, but my mom had heard me talking to one of my sisters friend about her kindle. She later asked me if I serious about getting a ereader and I told her that yes, but I was still shopping around and saving the money. That Christmas, I got my very first ereader, a Sony, from Santa. The best present ever!

Unknown said...

The year my mom battled other shoppers to find me an elusive yarn-haired Cabbage Patch doll.

mareb said...

A wallet from my mum :)

Unknown said...

When I was nine I got a Cabbage Patch Kid from my mom. They were sold out everywhere and people were going nuts for them. I couldn't believe I got one!

Thanks so much for being a part of this hop and for the giveaway.

Happy Holidays,

Unknown said...

My first phone, of course! :)

Roberta said...

I will never forget when I got my first cabbage patch doll. My mom couldn't afford an actual one, so she made me one! I just gave it to my 18 year old daughter!

Anonymous said...

My first camera