Tuesday, September 11, 2012

REVIEW: The Rise Of Nine by Pittacus Lore

Publisher: HarperCollins

Pages: 416 (hardcover)

Summary: (Goodreads)

Until the day I met John Smith, Number Four, I'd been on the run alone, hiding and fighting to stay alive.

Together, we are much more powerful. But it could only last so long before we had to separate to find the others. . . .

I went to Spain to find Seven, and I found even more, including a tenth member of the Garde who escaped from Lorien alive. Ella is younger than the rest of us, but just as brave. Now we're looking for the others--including John.

But so are they.

They caught Number One in Malaysia.
Number Two in England.
And Number Three in Kenya.
They caught me in New York--but I escaped.
I am Number Six. 
They want to finish what they started.
But they'll have to fight us first.


The Rise Of Nine was one of those book,s in my opinion, that is used as a bridge to get you over to the next book. Even though I loved the fact that we got to see most of the Garde finally coming together, I didn't like all of the point of views in this book. I was repeatedly having to stop and remind myself whose POV I was reading about. It got really confusing a few times. But that was the only thing I didn't like. Other than that it was a wonderful read.

I always love the plots and the action in Pittacus Lore's books. There is always so much going on. It was the government and the Mogs versus the Garde. There was never a dull moment. Something was always happening. And the scene when eight, ten, and seven were at Stonehedge, that was hilarious! I was laughing out loud. :D

I really enjoyed watching all of their legacies develop. So cool to see the things that they could do. And how when they came together they could feed off each other to make themselves stronger. It was nice to see Sarah back and not hate her this time. We are still missing Sam and I hate that. Surely he's alive since Sarah had seen him. But around there you can't always trust what you see. It's amazing how 2 authors can write one book so entwined with each other. This is really an a great book for the courage these "kids" have, to find there fellow Garde even to rescue some of them from Ra and survive to save the Earth and help their planet.

Again this book to me was a bridge. But it was great to finally see the majority of the Gardes come together and see how their legacies developed and now work together. I can't wait until the next book when we get to see Five and what they will plan to do to kill Ra.

This book definitely deserves 5 Daisy's!


theyabookworm said...

Haven't read this series yet- glad to hear you liked the second book though!

I just wanted to let you know that I've nominated your blog for the One Lovely Blog Award! You can read more about it here: http://theyabookworm.blogspot.ca/2012/09/one-lovely-blog-award.html

Candace said...

I just read the first one a couple weeks but I got all three books so I'm very excited to see that you gave this one 5 stars. I need to fit it in really soon! Fantastic review!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to get started on this series! Thanks for the review!

Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer said...

I need to catch up, I've only read Four but so glad this one rocked!