(Secrets of Itlantis #1)
Publication date: February 2nd 2014
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult
All her life, clever Aemi has been a slave in the Village of the Rocks, a place where the sea and sky meet. She’s heard the stories about the fabled People of the Sea, a people who possess unimaginable technology who live below the waves in the dark, secret places of the ocean. But she never dreamed those stories were true.
When a ship emerges from the ocean and men burn her village, Aemi is captured, and enslaved below the waves in Itlantis, a world filled with ancient cities of glass and metal, floating gardens, and wondrous devices that seem to work magic. To make matters worse, her village nemesis, the stuck-up mayor’s son Nol, was captured with her, and they are made servants in the same household beneath the sea.
Desperate to be free, Aemi plots her escape, even going so far as to work with Nol. But the sea holds more secrets than she realizes, and escape might not be as simple as leaving…
When a ship emerges from the ocean and men burn her village, Aemi is captured, and enslaved below the waves in Itlantis, a world filled with ancient cities of glass and metal, floating gardens, and wondrous devices that seem to work magic. To make matters worse, her village nemesis, the stuck-up mayor’s son Nol, was captured with her, and they are made servants in the same household beneath the sea.
Desperate to be free, Aemi plots her escape, even going so far as to work with Nol. But the sea holds more secrets than she realizes, and escape might not be as simple as leaving…
I’ve been making up stories since I was five years old, and now I’m thrilled to be able to do it as a full-time job. I have an obsession with dark fantasy, dystopian futures, and Pride and Prejudice-style love stories full of witty banter and sizzling, unspoken feelings. When I’m not writing, I’m creating digital art, reading funny blogs, or watching my favorite shows (which include TVD and BSG). I live with my geeky husband and our two bad cats in Atlanta, GA.
Personality-wise, I’m generally a behind-the-scenes kind of person, but at the same time, I’m fine with public speaking and being in front of people.
How many books are in your TRB pile?
I don’t even know! More than 40 probably. I keep adding to it faster than I take away.
What is next on your to read list?
I tend to read books simultaneously. I just finished The Coldest Girl in Coldtown and loved it, and I just started Cinder. After that, I’ve got Stolen Songbird waiting for me on my Kindle.
What one item would you eat for the rest of your life?
Mac and cheese, or maybe apples.
What is the last thing you bought?
I just purchased a pair of blue light-blocking glasses to help me sleep better at night. I had some before that broke, and they work! They help stimulate melatonin production levels.
Pet Peeves?
I really hate it when an online retailer doesn’t offer paypal as an option for checkout. It’s soooo convenient to use.
Pizza or Pasta?
Pasta! Especially anything that has a pecorino and lemon sauce, my absolute favorite.
What is something people would be surprised to know about you?
I really like dog-earing book pages and breaking spines. This is an abomination to some people, I know, but I like a book that looks well-read, and I don’t feel a lot of reverence for the physical copy. Something about being an author for a few years changed my perspective, and now I firmly believe that the book or Kindle file or manuscript document is just the vehicle for the story.
If you had 24 hours alone how would you spend it?
Reading, watching movies on Netflix, taking a bath, and probably writing.
If you could meet one person who has died who would you choose?
Jane Austen. She’s hilarious.
What do you do in your free time?
I read, watch movies and TV shows on Netflix, and work on projects around the house. I play a lot of board games (like Settlers of Catan) with my husband and our friends.
Can you share a little about the current title you are working on?
Yes! I just finished the final revisions on a book called The Season of Lightning that’s set in the same world as my novel A Gift of Poison, only several hundred years later. It’s the story of a privileged plantation owner’s daughter, her handsome-but-obnoxious nobleman friend, and a mysterious man called the Hawk who is starting a revolution against the system of injustice that oppresses and enslaves the lower classes of the region. Think an antebellum Emma meets Robin Hood. It should be released in late February.
Mac and cheese for life would be awesome!! And I'm with you about the paypal option. I deal with a few client who only have credit card direct and since I'm in Canada the exchange rate is higher than Paypal so it's even worse than just inconvenience urgh. It's 2015 people!! >.< Lol! Great interview, ladies!
thanks for the chance!
sounds like a great book! Thanks for the giveaway.
rounder9834 @yahoo.com
thank you for the chance to win.. looks like a good read!
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